






  Widespread cheating isyet another symptom of a poor education system

  【Para.1】As india’s exam season kicked offearlier this year Facebook groups dedicated to helping with preparations were inundatedwith offers of guaranteed academic success.

“Get leaked questions and answers before your upcoming exam, 100% guaranteed and secured,” read one. “Get certificate without sittingexams 100% legal,” promised another.

  【Para.2】India’s education system is brutal. The bar for entry to university is extraordinarily high. There is a near-unlimited pool of applicants for the top institutions. Until it changed its policies this year, Delhi University, among the best, required prospective students to have scored at least 99% in their school-leaving exams. Stratospheric parental expectations only add to the pressure. Getting into university is not the end of it, either. High marks are necessary there, too, so that graduates can go on to foreign universities or find jobs at home. Plenty of canny (if dubious) entrepreneurs are only too happy to offer shortcuts to success—for a hefty


  【Para.3】Cheating is thus widespread. It is also organised and elaborate. In a survey in 2021 by Learning Spiral, a big provider of online-exam software, 73% of university students admitted to cheating in online tests. Neha, who teaches at an engineering college in Maharashtra, a western state, reckons that 90% of her students cheat in some form.

  【Para.4】At its simplest, cheating involves smuggling notes into the exam hall or buying stolen test papers. Students are routinely frisked as they enter the hall. Question papers are often kept under lock and key in police stations or government buildings. They are nonetheless commonly leaked on social media. Sarita Sinha, a former schoolteacher who now runs a prep centre, says she does not find this surprising. “Even if you lock it in police stations, you think the policemen

do not have children?” she says. Yet it works both ways. Once a paper is out online, it quickly goes viral. This means everyone—including the authorities—discovers the leak and questions can be changed.

  【Para.5】Officials are turning to ever more sophisticated and stringent measures. This year, the state of West Bengal installed internet jammers near schools in many districts. It also put cctv cameras in exam halls and insisted students trade in their face masks for fresh ones provided by the school. More basic methods are also used: in 2019, a school in Karnataka, in the south, forced students to wear cardboard boxes over their heads—cut open on one side—to foil cheating.

  【Para.7】Parents, too, sometimes help with the cheating. In 2015 dozens of them scaled the outside of a five-storey building to pass answers to their schoolchildren taking crucial year-end exams inside. Hundreds, including parents, were arrested and at least 750 students expelled.

  【Para.8】The problem may be with the education system itself, rather than any innate dishonesty among students. Teachers receive low salaries and can be bribed to help or turn a blind eye. Schools care about pass rates. Learning revolves around memorisation rather than understanding or reasoning. Outcomes are poor. Exams requiring thought rather than regurgitation would be harder to memorise, says Ms Sinha. The quality of education would improve, too. The Indian government is mulling changes to the way it assesses students at higher levels. Until then, the cat-and-mouse game between students and invigilators is doomed to continue.


  yet another phrase ~ another/more~ again used to emphasize an increase in number or amount or the number of times sth happens (强调次数或数量的增加) Prices were cut yet again (=once more, after many other times). 物价再一次降低。kick off phrase If an event, game, series, or discussion kicks off, or is kicked off, it begins. 开始 (事件、比赛等) The mayor kicked off the party. 市长揭开了宴会的序幕。inundate v. /n?nde?t/ If you say that you are inundated with things such as letters, demands, or requests, you are emphasizing that you receive so many of them that you cannot deal with them all. 被 (大量信件或请求等) 淹没 Her office was inundated with requests for tickets. 她的办公室接到了铺天盖地的索票请求。sit v. ~ (for) sth to do an exam 参加考试;应试 Candidates will sit the examinations in June. 考生将在六月参加考试。 brutal adj. /?bru?tl/ f someone expresses something unpleasant with brutal honesty or frankness, they express it in a clear and accurate way, without attempting to disguise its unpleasantness. 不留情面的 (诚实、直白) It was refreshing to talk about themselves and their feelings with brutal honesty. 不留情面的诚实地谈论他们自己和他们的感情令人耳目一新。

  【声明】:本文原文摘选自 MAY 28TH–JUNE 3RD 2022 | Asia,原文版权归杂志所有,仅供个人学习交流使用。





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