


①【第一种说法】demonstrated in the above pie?chart is?an investigation?of?students purposes?of traveling in a certain college.

the proportion of taki

①【第一种说法】demonstrated in the above pie?chart is?an investigation?of?students purposes?of traveling in a certain college.
the proportion of taking traveling as a chance to?see fascinating scenes?holds for 37%,?
while?students who would like to travel to?relieve pressure?account for 35 % approximately.
?in addition, traveling for making?friends,?cultivating independence?and other purposes take up 6%, 9%?and?15%?respectively.
【第二种说法】from the pie chart showing the factors?students in a certain college?weigh?when?preparing?for traveling,?it can be seen that the most important?one is?seeing?fascinating scenes,?which accounts for?37%.
while?for?relieving?pressure?and other factors,?the figures are?33% and 15% respectively.?
by contrast,?the proportions of?making?friends?and cultivating independence?only take up?9%?and?6%?separately.
【第三种说法】the pie chart above clearly?and precisely?depicts students purposes?of traveling?in a certain university. the purposes are?mainly?divided into five?categories.?among them, seeing?fascinating scenes?makes up the biggest proportion of 37%;?relieving?pressure,?making?friends?and cultivating independence?account for?33%, 9%?and?6%?respectively; others?account for 15%.
②at least three causes can be responsible for these differences.
to begin with, college students are strongly curious about?the mysterious nature, so that it is a?proper opportunity for them to get to know both natural and cultural?scenery.
secondly, most of them?endure great pressure?to stand out among others?or to?possess a good job after graduation nowadays.
therefore, they are willing to choose?traveling as the way out of stress.
besides,?an increasingly number of families can?afford regular travel with the fast development of the living standards in china.
③from my perspective, traveling is of great benefit?for we college students so?that students should go to see the outside world more to acquire a broader?perspective of life.

2018 ????? ?
from the pie chart showing the factors consumers weigh?when choosing a restaurant, it can be seen that the most important?one is the feature of a restaurant,?which accounts for 36.3%.?while for service and surroundings,?the figures are 26.8% and23.8% respectively.?by contrast,?the proportions of food price?and other factors only take up 8.4% and 4.7% separately.(看范例)
nowadays people who eat out not only pay for the meals,?but also pay for the overall experience of being served, which?has greatly reshaped the competitive landscape of the food?service industry.?on the one hand,?restaurants that have?unique quality are able to satisfy different needs of customers?and are likely to stand out in consumers?minds.?on the other?hand,?customers?dining experience will be enhanced when?high-quality service and distinctive surroundings are provided.?consequently,?people tend to enjoy themselves more when they?are consuming in the restaurants.
in summary,?eating out is a sensory experience for todays?diners.?they focus on factors affecting the overall dining?experience,?which is held in high regard by the restaurant owners.

2020 ??????????????????????????

the pie chart above clearly depicts the cell-phone reading?purposes of students in a certain university. the purposes are?mainly?divided into four categories.?among them, learning?makes up the biggest proportion of 59.5%;?both killing time?and acquiring information account for around 20%; others?account for 2.2%.(看范例)
the above percentages reflect?students’?tendency?to?study through cell-phone reading in modern society.?we can?attribute the phenomenon to the following aspects.?first of all,?with the rapid development of science and technology,?mobile?phone

s are accessible,and cell-phone reading enjoys great?popularity among university students.?whats more,?when?compared with the traditional bulky paper books,?mobile phones?are more?portable?便捷?so that university students prefer downloading?the materials to their phones for learning. besides,as long as?the phone has access to the internet,?university students can?almost get the latest information they want to broaden their?horizons?whenever and wherever possible.?most importantly,?traditional reading is too boring for university students to?concentrate on for a long time.?so they are more willing to turn?to cell-phone reading, which contains interesting reading modes?such as audio reading and interactive reading.
to sum up, this trend, we can predict,will continue in the future because?it conforms to the?characteristics of modern university students and our times.

2015 ???????????????????????????????

the pie chart above clearly?and precisely?depicts where?the money is going during the spring festival in a certain city?of china.?the result is mainly?divided into five?categories.?among them,?new years gifts?makes up the biggest proportion of 40%;?transportation?, gatherings?and others?each accounts?for?20%?.
the irrational proportion triggers our great concern.?chinese people always value the friendly intercourse交际?with?their kith and kin亲戚朋友,?and they usually express love by sending?gifts mutually相互地?over the spring festival.?besides, the dramatic?economic development allows chinese people to develop a?strong desire for possessing and using more and better things.?this desire spreads rapidly among people,?which makes gift?presentation the embodiment典型?of?攀比keeping up with the joneses邻居.?fortunately,?there are still some wise people keeping alert警惕?beyond being crazy. they argue that the maintenance维持?of?friendly sentiment should be nourished?滋养?by a simple life.
i agree with the argument of those wise people.?although?exchanging festival gifts, as a way of maintaining friendly sentiment,?should be carried forward, one should keep the expenditure within?the range that he can afford, avoiding excessive consumption.
