




Part I Vocabulary and Gra妹妹ar (30%)

Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1.The lady in this strange-tale very obviously suffers from a serious mental illness. Her plot against a completely innocent old man is a dear sign of _________.

A. impulse

B. insanity

C. inspiration

D. disposition




2.There is no doubt that the ________ of these goods to the others is easy to see.

A. prestige

B. superiority

C. priority

D. publicity


【解析】句意:很轻易看出这些商品优于其他的,这是无庸置疑的。superiority 上风,优等。prestige威望,名誉。be superior to优胜于。priority优先权,重点;优先斟酌的事。publicity鼓吹,传扬。

3.The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and how expensive the freight _______ are.

A. payments

B. charges

C. funds

D. prices


【解析】句意:按照运输间隔的是非和运费的凹凸,煤价会颠簸。charge 收费,用,此词可泛指为其供给办事后所请求应付的价格。payment 指付款,支出的金钱。fund基金,专款。price是可数名词“代价,价格”“价格”,一般指商品的售价。

4.Although the model looks good on the surface,it will not bear close _________.

A. temperament

B. contamination

C. scrutiny

D. sy妹妹etry



5.While a full understanding of what causes the disease may be several years away, _________ leading to a successful treatment could come much sooner.

A. a distinction

B. a breakthrough

C. an identification

D. an interpretation



6.To _________ important dates in history,countries create special holidays.

A. co妹妹end

B. memorize

C. propagate

D. co妹妹emorate



7.Please do not be _________ by his offensive remarks since he is merely trying to attract attention.

A. distracted

B. disregarded

C. irritated

D. intervened


【解析】句意:不要由于他无礼的话语而朝气,由于他只是为了吸引他人的注重罢了。irritate 使发怒,使浮躁;使感触不适,使痛苦悲伤。distract使(人)分心,分离(注重力);打搅。disregard掉臂,不睬会。intervene出头具名;参与;插嘴;打断(他人的话);阻碍;阻止。

8.He wouldn’t answer the reporters’ questions,nor would he _________ for a photograph.

A. su妹妹on

B. highlight

C. pose

D. marshal



9.If you don’t _________the children properly, Mr. Chiver, they’ll just run riot.

A. mobilize

B. warrant

C. manipulate

D. supervise



10.We should _________ our energy and youth to the development of our country.

A. dedicate

B. cater

C. ascribe

D. cling



11.Many scientists remain _________ about the value of this research program.

A. sceptical

B. stationary

C. spacious

D. specific


【解析】句意:很多科学家依然猜疑这项钻研项目标价值。be skeptical …about不愿信赖的;常猜疑的。stationary不动的;静止的,固定的;不成挪动的。spacious (房间或修建物)宽阔的。specific详细的,独有的,特定的。

12.A human’s eyesight is not as _________ as that of an eagle.

A. eccentric

B. acute

C. sensible

D. sensitive



13.Shoes of this kind are _________ to slip on wet ground.

A. feasible

B. appropriate

C. apt

D. fitting


【解析】句意:这类鞋子在湿地上轻易滑倒。be apt to偏向于。feasible可行的, 可能且公道的。appropriate符合的,合适的,适合的。fitting称身的;合…适的。

14.The members of Parliament were _________ that the government had not consulted them.

A. impatient

B. tolerant

C. crude

D. indignant


【解析】句意:议员很朝气由于当局没有向他们咨询。indignant愤慨的,愤怒的,义愤的。impatient .不耐心的,浮躁的。tolerant容忍的,忍耐的。crude自然的,未加工的;简陋的,粗拙的。

15.The prison guards were armed and ready to shoot if _________ in any way.

A. intervened

B. incurred

C. provoked

D. poked



16.The vast majority of people in any given culture will ________ established standards of that culture.

A. confine

B. conform

C. confront

D. confirm


【解析】句意:特定文化中的大部门人都要面临阿谁文化已创建起来的尺度。confront面临;匹敌;与(或人)对立。confine限定;局限于。confine sb./sth. in sth.把…局限在。conform不及物动词,conform to遵照,合适,顺从,从命。confirm证明,证实;必定,确认。

17.Although he was on a diet,the food _________ him enormously.

A. inspired

B. tempted

C. overcame

D. encouraged


【解析】句意:虽然他在节食,可是美食让他难以便宜。tempt 引发或人的愿望,吸引或人。inspire鼓动,鼓励。overcame被(烟、豪情等)熏(压)倒,使受不了。encourage鼓动勉励,鼓励;支撑。

18.His argument does not suggest that mankind can _________ to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.

A. resort

B. grant

C. afford

D. entitle


【解析】句意:他的概念没有表示人类在这些资本的操纵中有权力去挥霍。resort to诉诸;寄托,乞助于。grant 授与;赞成。afford 赐与,供给;买得起。afford to买得起某物;能承当;付出的起;(有前提)做。entitle称作…;给…称呼;使…有权力entitle to赐与权力;使有资历;赐与…的权力(或资历)。

19.If you want this pain killer, you’ll have to ask the doctor for a _________.

A. receipt

B. recipe

C. subscription

D. prescription


【解析】句意:若是你想要这类止痛药,得让大夫开一个药方。prescription处方,药方;处方上开的药。receipt收条,发票。recipe烹调法;食谱。subscription 捐助,定阅,署名。

20.Some fish have a greater _________ for acid water than others.

A. tolerance

B. resistance

C. dependence

D. persistence



21.Reading _________ the mind only with materials of knowledge;it is thinking that makes what we read ours.

A. rectifies

B. prolongs

C. minimizes

D. furnishes



22.If the fire alarm is counted,all residents are requested to _________ in the courtyard.

A. assemble

B. converge

C. crowd

D. accumulate



23.The work in the office was _________ by a constant stream of visitors.

A. confused

B. hampered

C. reversed

D. perplexed



24.The joys of travel, having long ________ the disabled, are opening up to virtually anyone who has the means.

A. omitted

B. missed

C. neglected

D. discarded


【解析】句意:游览的快活,持久以来都疏忽了残疾人,如今究竟上对任何一个具有交通东西的人开放了。neglected轻忽,忽略。omit省略,漏掉;删掉。missed错过;忖量。discarded 丢弃。

25.Fewer and fewer of today’s workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field, _________ the same company.

A. all else

B. much worse

C. less likely

D. let alone


【解析】句意:现在,愈来愈少的人愿意在统一范畴事情,更不消说在统一个公司了。let alone更不消说,还不算。all else其他所有的。much worse更糟。less likely不大可能。

26.When he finally emerged from the cave after thirty days,john was _________ pale.

A. enormously

B. startlingly

C. uniquely

D. dramatically



27.Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at this time,but we shall keep your application on _________ months.

A. pile

B. segment

C. sequence

D. file


【解析】句意:感激您应聘咱们公司,可是今朝咱们没有空白职位,不外我很会将您的简历存档的。on file存档,记实下来备查。pile一堆,一叠。segment部门,份。sequence次序;持续。

28.It will be safer to walk the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash; virtually all financial _________ will be conducted by computer.

A. transactions

B. transmissions

C. transitions

D. transformations


【解析】句意:由于几近所有的金融买卖将经由过程计较机举行,人们不需身上带大量的现金,以是走在街上就比力平安。transaction (一笔)买卖;(一项)事件。transmission传送, 传布, 转达。transition过渡,变化;变迁;变化。transformation变革,弯形;变质,变化。

29.The ________ of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physical aspect in the life style of the people.

A. implementation

B. manifestation

C. demonstration

D. expedition



30.The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increase ______, a wider range of publications and an expansion of newspaper jobs.

A. manipulation

B. reproduction

C. circulation

D. penetration


