



(1)①Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. ②Not only have many newspapers done away with their book-review sections, but several major papers, including the Chicago Sun-Times and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, no longer employ full-time classical-music critics. ③Even those papers that continue to review fine-arts events are devoting less space to them, while the “think pieces” on cultural subjects that once graced the pages of big-city Sunday papers are becoming a thing of the past。




①②③为统一意群,讲述了如许一个究竟,在曩昔25年间英文报纸所有变革中,也许意义最为深远的变革就是报纸的文艺报导方面范畴缩小、严厉性削弱。①句考生必要重点存眷的信息就是perhaps the most far-reaching,most最高档暗示夸大,而far-reaching也是从水平上对changes暗示夸大,以是咱们可以晓得,最首要的变革就是the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage.,命题人必定会环抱这类重大的变革举行命题,这就是作者夸大的重点信息,夸大就是考点,但愿考生细心领会!此外,their指代English-language newspapers’。②应用not only…,but…这一句型对①举行举例,来详细阐明①。③用even开首,承接上一句,进一步举例阐明这类变革;必要注重的是,毗连词while也是考生存眷的重点,该词的先后常常也会触及到重点信息,咱们来看while指导的句子,once表白曩昔、曾是怎样样的,而are becoming则暗示如今又是一种甚么样的状态,这里存在着时候上的比拟,也是考点,即曾使大都会礼拜日报纸增色的关于文化主题的文章版面(如今)也已是嫡黄花了。


far-reachingadj. having a great influence or effect 具备深远影响的

inexorable /?n?eks?r?b?l/ adj .an inexorable process cannot be stopped 不成拦截的

coverage /?k?v?r?d?/ n. when a subject or event is reported on television or radio, or in newspapers 消息报导

think piecen. A think piece is an article in a newspaper or magazine that discusses a particular subject in a serious and thoughtful way. 黑幕消息、(内容)严厉且(思惟)深奥的文章


inexorable decline势不成挡的阑珊;arts coverage文艺报导;book-review section书评版;major papers主流报纸、重要报纸;classical-music critics古典音乐评论家;employ

full-time critics雇佣全职评论家;review the event评论这一事务;cultural subject文化主题

(2)①It is, I suspect, difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers. ②Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century, including Virgil Thomson’s The Musical Scene (1945), Edwin Denby’s Looking at the Dance (1949), Kenneth Tynan’s Curtains (1961), and Hilton Kramer’s The Age of the Avant-Garde (1973) consisted in large part of newspaper reviews. ③To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their erudite contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies。




① 用I suspect开首,表达了作者的概念。注重suspect暗示“肯定的猜疑”,而doubt则暗示“不肯定的猜疑”,请看柯林斯字典对这两个词的区别:suspect You use suspect when you are stating something that you believe is probably true, in order to make it sound less strong or direct.;doubt If you have doubt or doubts about something, you feel uncertain about it and do not know whether it is true or possible. If you say you have no doubt about it, you mean that you are certain it is true。对这两个词的区别,咱们常常能果断出作者的立场是对某事物支撑仍是否决,有助于咱们解题!②Yet暗示迁移转变,①说如今很难找到高质量的文艺评论,而②则以曩昔为例,阐明了曩昔是一个怎么的环境,讲述了有大量在20世纪出书的具备最首要意义的评论作品盘踞了报纸评论的大部门,并举出四种评论作品。③又回到现在(today),说去读这类册本会令人感触大为诧异,而在本来(were once)则被认为是一种正常的事变,这也阐明了报纸的文艺报导在范畴上倒退,证实文章主题(第一段①的后半句)。②③两句存在时候上的比拟,而③句句内也存在这类时候比拟。


collection/k??lek??n/ n. A collection of things is a group of similar things that you have deliberately acquired, usually over a period of time. 作品、保藏品

criticism /?kr?t?s?z?m/ n. Criticism is a serious examination and judgment of something such as a book or play. 评论

erudite /?er?da?t/ adj. If you describe someone as erudite, you mean that they have or show great academic knowledge. You can also use erudite to describe something such as a book or a style of writing. (FORMAL) 博识的、博学多识的
