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21. Research by the World Economic Forum suggests?

A. an increase in full-time employment

B. an urgent demand for new job skills

C. a steady growth of job opportunities

D. a controversy about the “core skills”

谜底句:We know we are moving into a period where the jobs in demand willchange rapidly, as will the requirements of the jobs that remain…….average 42per cent of the core skills within job roles will change by 2022. This is a veryshort timeline….

解析:文章第二段偏重阐发了咱们在进入新时代的同时,对事情的需乞降请求也会敏捷扭转,同时扭转的@另%e2X9U%有对事%mhB97%情@的请求。紧接着,经由过程哈佛贸易评论的查询拜访,夸大事情需求中,百分之四十二的焦点技术请求也会在2022扭转。这一切将在很是短的时候内产生。到此,便可以看出,B选项的urgent 赞成更换了a very short time. A选项未在中并未说起,C选项也未


22. AT&T is cited to show

A. an alternative to the fire-and- hire strategy

B. an i妹妹ediate need for government support

C. the importance of staff appraisal standards

D. the characteristics of reskilling program

谜底句:…the temptation is always to let go of workers whose skills are nolonger demand and replace them with those whose skills are. That does not alwayshappen. AT&T is often given as the gold standard of a company who decided todo a massive reskilling program rather than go with a fire-and-hirestrategy….

解析:起首,提过题干果断题型为例证题,按照题干关头词AT&T快速回到原文中定位 。中心举例,概念常常是例子前面内容。在本题中,AT&T例子前讲的是凡是环境一些公司的做法是镌汰技术没法到达请求的员工,礼聘新的员工。咱们来寻觅与此逻辑对应的选项。A选项,alternative意思是可供选择的法子,故准确。B,告急必要当局支撑,这里并无提出对当局的请求。C选项未说起,D选项表意较模胡,讲的是reskilling的特色,可是并无在AT&T的例子中表现,故解除。

23. Efforts to resolve the skills mismatch in Canada


have driven up labour costs

B. have proved to be inconsistent

C. have met with fierce opposition

D. have appeared to be insufficient

谜底句:Efforts in Canada and elsewhere have been arguably languid at best, andhave given us a situation where we frequently hear of employers begging forworkers even at times and in regions where unemployment is high.


24. We can learn from Paragraph 3 that there was

A. a call for policy adjustment.

B. a change in hiring practices.

C. a lack of medical workers.

D. a sign of economic recovery.

谜底句:In the medical field, to take an obvious example, the pandemic meantthat there were still clear shortages of doctors, nurses and other medicalpersonnel.

解析:题干的问题是,第三段咱们可以揣度出甚么,原文很清楚的表白医护职员缺少,用的短语是 clear shortage of ….这里的doctor,nurse other medical personnel均可以总结为medical worker,选项中的lack of更换shortage。A选项在过分揣度的环境下,轻易利诱考生。必要注重的是,此段重要内容是客观征象。

25. Scandinavian Airlines decided to

A. Great job vacancies for the unemployed.

B. Prepare their laid-off workers for other jobs.

C. Retrain their cabin staff for better services.

D. finance their staff' s college education.

