考研英语历年真题阅读要点之2013-Text 4(一)




梳理考研英语积年真题浏览文章中触及的要点,包含辞汇、短语、长难句和简略的浏览法子。接下来看一下2013年Text 4,这篇文章重要探究了联邦当局和州当局之间就移民问题发生的不同。

On a five to three vote, the Supreme Court knocked out much of Arizona’s i妹妹igration law Monday -- a modest policy victory for the Obama Administration. But on the more important matter of the Constitution, the decision was an 8-0 defeat for the Administration’s effort to upset the balance of power between the federal government and the states.

vote“投票”,vote for“投票同意”,vote against“投票否决”;the Supreme Court“最高法院”;knock out“击倒”,连系语境,可以理解为“反对”;i妹妹igration law“移民法”;modest“适度的”,modest policy victory可以指“政策上微弱的成功”;matter“问题”;constitution“宪法”;decision“决定”;defeat“失败”;upset“侵扰,倾覆”;balance“均衡”;federal government“联邦当局”。

... the majority overturned three of the four contested provisions of Arizona’s controversial plan ... that... enforce federal i妹妹igrations law... to “establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization” and that federal laws precede state laws are noncontroversial. Arizona had attempted to fashion state police that ran parallel to the existing federal ones.

the majority“大大都人”,the majority of students“大大都学生”;

overturn“颠覆”;provisions“条目”;controversial“有争议的”,反义词noncontroversial“毫无争议的”;enforce“履行”;establish“制订”;uniform“同一的”;naturalization“归化,移入”;precede“优于”;that... and that...为两个并列的主语从句,本句为主系表布局;attempt to do“试图做某事”;fashion“制订”;run parallel to“与...不相上下”;existing“现存的”。

Justice ... liberals, ruled that the state flew too close to the federal sun. On the overturned provisions the majority held the congress had deliberately “occupied the field” and Arizona had thus intruded on the federal’s privileged powers.

justice“法官”,也能够指“公允,主义”;liberal“自由主义者”;rule“判决”;overturned“被颠覆的”;hold“持有...概念”,也就是“认为”;congress“国会”;deliberately“成心地”;occupy“盘踞”;intrude on“干与”;privileged“享有特权的”。

以上就是考研英语教员为大师梳理的2013年Text 4前三段的要点。“古之立大事者,不唯有超世之才,亦必有坚固不拔之志。”不履历风雨,怎能见彩虹?考研还没有乐成,同窗仍需尽力。无论碰到甚么样的坚苦,必定要当真温习。对峙,对峙,对峙!
